Mutation rate, 266
types of, 559
Myasthenia gravis, 827
c-m yc,
Mycophenolic acid, 627
tubular, 407
Myelin sheaths, 159
Myelocytic leukemias, 808
Myeloid cells neutrophils, 808
Myeloperoxidase, 271, 304
Myf5, 455
myo-inositol, 514
Myoadenylate deaminase (AMP
deaminase) deficiency, 636
Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, 636
Myoblasts, 455
Myocardial, 234
infarction, 234
Myocardial infarct, 123, 463
Myocardial infarction (MI), 126, 272, 852
Myocardium, 126, 234
Myoclonic epilepsy, 269
MyoD, 455
Myoepithelia, 455
Myofibril, 235, 456, 457, 466, 476
Myofibrillar myosin, 460
Myofibrillar protein, 331
Myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs),
Myogenin, 455
Myoglobin, 54, 108
features, 57
profiles of oxygenation, 115
tertiary structure, 57
Myokinase, 472
Myokinase reaction, 471
Myometrium, 796, 799
Myopathy, 235, 269, 270
mitochondrial disorders, 270
Myophosphorylase deficiency, 478
Myosin, 331,453,482
head domain, 461
organization, 462
Myosin ATPase activity
pH dependence of, 462
Myosin II, 460
Myosin II types, 473
Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK),
473, 474
Myosin molecule
major structural features, 461
Myosin V, 460
Myostatin, 455
Myotonia levior, 478
Myotonic, 535
Myotonic dystrophy, 561
Müllerian, 781
Müllerian-inhibiting substance, 782
N-acetylglutamate, 494
N-acetylneuraminic (sialic) acid, 141
N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-amino acid, 215
N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, 259
N5-formimino FH4, 618
N5-formyl FH4, 618
N‘°-formyl FH4, 618
N-glycans, 311
N-glycosidic linkage, 153
,NI0-methenyl FH4, 618
,Nl0-methylene FH4, 618
N5-methyl FH4, 618
N-methyl-p-tyrosine, 761
N-myc, 611
N-ras, 611
N-telopeptide, 889
N-terminal residue
determination by Edman procedure, 45
N-terminal residue
identification of, 43
N . g o n o rrh o ea e,
N . m en in g itid is,
Na+ channel
inhibitor of,
2 2 2
Na+-dependent carrier systems, 333
Na+,K+-ATPase, 123, 222
NAD+-dependent ADP ribosylation, 715
NAD(P)H-dependent biliverdin
reductase, 690
[NAD+]/[NADH] ratio, 282
NADH, 241
NADH dehydrogenase, 256
NADH-coQ reductase, 251
NADP+, 243
NADP-linked xylitol dehydrogenase, 296
NADPH, 300, 770
NADPH oxidase, 271, 304, 656
NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase,
NADPH-dependent aldose reductase, 296
NADPH-dependent enzyme, 297
NADH oxidase system, 770
Naltrexone, 378
Naphthoquinone, 862
Narcolepsy, 827
Nasal secretions, 193
Nasogastric suction, 206
Native form
of functional protein, 51
Natriuetic factor, 930
Natural killer cells, 808, 811
Nebulin, 458
Necrosis, 609
Negative acute phase proteins
positive, 954
Negative allosteric effectors, 648
Negative feedback, 724
Negative nitrogen balance, 332, 333
Negative regulation, 594
Negative regulation of gene
expression, 594
Negative superhelicity, 553
Neisseria, 832
Neomycin, 145
Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, 372
Neonatal hyperinsulinemia, 282
Neonatal jaundice, 692
Neoplasia, 143
Neoplasms, 335
8 8 6
Nephropathy, 514
Nephrotic syndrome, 950
Neprotoxins, 952
Nemst equation, 72
Nervous system, 240
Nestin, 453
Neural reflex, 724
Neural tube defects (NTDs), 923
a-neuraminidase, 169
Neuroblastoma, SCLC, 611
Neuroendocrine reflex, 724
Neuroendocrine system
factors, 746
Neurohypophyseal, 730
Neurohypophyseal peptides, 733
Neurolathyrism, 181
Neurological infectious diseases, 600
Neuromuscular disease, 303
Neuromuscular junction, 99
Neuron-specific, 232
Neuron-specific enolase, 232
Neuropathy, 514
Neuropeptide Y, 82
Neuropeptide, 516
Neuroregulatory, 730
Neuroregulatory peptides, 733
Neurotensin, 734
Neurotransmission, 24
Neurotransmitters, 98, 240, 340
GABA, 23
inactivation of, 340
Neutral amino acids, 24
Neutrophils, 103, 271, 304
Newborn screening
cystic fibrosis,
2 2 1
NGF, 714
Niacin, 923
Nick translation, 550
Nickel, 893
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